Electronic ISSN 2287-0237




   The Emergency Medicine Clinical Essentials 2nd Edition written by James G. Adams and his colleagues gives an up to date and comprehensive review of emergency medicine, including a thorough description and brief physiology review for every topic. With a specially designed format, the book has several tool boxes with summarized critical information such as key points, facts and formulas, red flags etc. that make this book very accessible; useful not only for the emergency physician but also for others needing a quick, consistent reference.

   All recommendations provide essential information covering all patient care processes. The documentation guide is especially useful. The illustrations, clinical photographs and diagrams are clear. The descriptions are concise and use straightforward language. Though the book does not provide every detail in emergency medicine, it has all the essential elements that make it suitable as a quick guide in daily practice. The second edition also has new chapters covering such topics as Hemophilia and clotting disorders, antibiotic recommendations and patient centered care.

   I give Adams full credit and highly recommend this book as a teaching tool and a practice guideline for emergency physicians and others who work in the emergency field.